Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blood, bread and order.

Blood, bread and order.

No sleep tonight. It's in the air, again. At 9, just at the start of
the Celtic game, two .40 caliber guns engaged in a running battle
along the Gaza strip, aka Howard ave, Bainbridge n Chauncey. A massive
police presence followed. Then at 1:15 am, a .9mm rang out. Same
In the hood, we're as close to the general breakdown of order as a
community can get (without curfew).
That got me thinking, what would the general breakdown of order look
like in the hood? Remember, David Paterson is entertaining the total
shutdown of state government, a scenario he said would lead to chaos.
Major investors are voicing their fears, openly talking on cnbc about
investing in guns, barbed wire and land.
In civilized orders, after the breakdown of the state, civil society
should be the next line of defense against anarchy. The houses of
worship, qualified citizens from all disciplines and the non profit
sector should be able to continue some semblance of order.
But in the hood, houses of worship don't even talk to each other,
qualified citizens are too often too self involved and the non profits
don't think far ahead enough to plan these contingencies out.
That, in turn, leaves the next organized level if society, the gangs,
in charge. Doubt it? They've already dropped out of society, formed
their own culture(s), language(s), marked territory and communicate
much, much better than traditional civic society.
So, how would you live in a time when Bloods deliver the bread, make
laws and control access to your block? Scared? Good. I'm trying to
and i'm not making any of this up.
If you really care, pass this around and get involved yourself.

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